Live true with ease and joy

  • Life & Career Coaching

    Perhaps you find yourself at a crossroads in life and/or career, or you simply want to live with more purpose, joy, and ease — a way that feels truly you. You know you have something important to share with the world, if only you could find a way out of the noise and the funk, and get back to your inner wisdom. It could be one coaching call or a series — let’s chat and we can decide together on your goals and path for coaching.

  • The Being Way

    A transformational course where you’ll shed many skins, meet your true self, and begin to be who you truly are. You will learn to integrate body and mind, heal your inner child, balance your energies, and let your light shine. By the end, you’ll be grounded and at peace in a way you’ve never known. You’ll attract what you want in life by learning to be. With continued practice and deepening, you’ll be your own coach in life.

As I grow, my work grows with me.

My journey as a coach began in 2010 with learning to listen deeply, hold space, ask powerful questions, and affirm clients with my natural capacity to see the potential in people. I also began learning to understand my own multicultural self, using tools like the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), the Enneagram, and intercultural frameworks.

Those were super helpful, but I thought I also had to achieve a certain image of success before I could coach people professionally. I didn’t even realize how severely I judged myself for any flaws in that image, until I fell into a terrible depression where I became those very versions of me from childhood that I despised. I wallowed in so much shame I didn’t know how to live on. Only when I learned to accept all of me, did I survive. I vowed then to share what I learned.

After working full-time to rebuild my cash flow, in 2020 I finally began my coaching practice by creating the Multicultural Hero’s Journey, a 12-week coaching course with videos + weekly live coaching, where I shared all I had learned about how to make sense of our multicultural identities and love all the parts of who we are. I also offered a Homecoming Call — a deep-dive coaching call to resolve one top challenge so that people could feel at home within and move forward with clarity.

I was seeing clients blossom, making a living as a coach at last, and feeling good about myself. But, I felt my energy was too yang (the opposite of yin), so in 2021 I approached a longtime mentor to inquire about how to balance my energies. From there, I embarked on a deeper inner journey where I learned to be, rather than do do do.

Whereas I used to lead a hustle-bustle, super-extraverted, globally mobile life, I learned to slow down and find peace in the here and now, without having to go to someone or someplace else. I learned to trust my life and my own inner wisdom, allowing the things I desire to come to me when the timing and energy is right, rather than going after things. Some folks who are naturally more shy or hesitant may need to learn opposite lessons from mine — it’s all about balance.

So now, my work with people integrates all that I’ve learned. I bring in whatever I feel would be helpful for my clients on their journeys. I’d be honored to share my learnings and light the way as you travel back to who you truly are.

Here are testimonials from those who have coached with me or taken my courses. I no longer offer the Multicultural Hero’s Journey or the Homecoming Call in that labeling, but the treasure trove of learnings stay with me and I bring whatever gems are helpful to each client into my coaching and teaching.

The Being Way

The Being Way course took me on a journey towards balance and wholeness. With skillful and sure-footed guidance, I was invited to see myself with fresh eyes and from different vantage points. The tools provided throughout the course helped shine a light on all the parts of myself, even those tucked away in the recesses of my mind, so that I could reconcile them with the whole. Complemented with my own curiosity and intention, I could then take all that I’ve learned and apply them to create more joy, peace, and sustainable change in my daily life.

For me, this course has had a very clear and immediate impact. It has helped me embrace my idiosyncrasies, reaffirm my deepest values and priorities, and inspire me to share my truest and wisest self with the world. Applying all that I’ve learned, I have breathed new life into my healing practices and teaching. I feel a stronger sense of certitude in who I am and what I do. I highly recommend this course, and you will definitely know when you’re called to it.

— Angelic Shen

Homecoming Call

“Jane was so insightful, patient, and considerate of the little things I said that helped her help me fill the gaps in my beliefs and where I wanted to be. We really came full circle within one call. Booking a call with Jane was groundbreaking and I felt like we solved 10 years worth of therapy in one call!”

— Chelsea R.

I was amazed at how in one session, she helped me articulate my situation in a way that made me go - "YES! That's exactly how I feel!". I walked away from that call with new insight into my true self. Even now weeks later, I still find myself going back to that conversation with Jane and feeling into the clarity that she helped me find.

— Jennifer Dazols, Modern Family Finance

“My Homecoming Call with Jane was the blessing I'd been needing but didn't know how to articulate. Jane is so grounded, compassionate, and supportive. Not just in her words and insights, but simply in her way of being and holding space. Jane makes sense of things that feel impossible to reconcile.

— Stephanie Kohler

Multicultural Hero’s Journey

“Jane’s Multicultural Hero’s Journey course is truly a journey to the center of you, peeling back the layers with gentle empathy until you’ve found your true core.”

— Steven Chien

“I feel much more at ease with who I am after going through this course… Jane is an excellent storyteller, listener, and coach/facilitator — well-read, with a broad base of life experience and connections that she somehow magically pulls up to ‘match’ your situation… and shine more light onto what you need to get to the next level.”

— Annie Ho

In the course I learned that I am my home. One of the breakthroughs I had in the course happened one night when I was listening to an old voice recording; for the first time I had compassion for myself.”

— Yaneth Calzada

It was like I found a flashlight that allowed me to see myself more objectively, to explain my perspective to others — how I am and why I am — with more clarity. With those insights,I now approach my introspection with more self-love and acceptance, and I am on my way to becoming the most confident I've ever been.

— Jenny Nguyen

During the course, I realized I don't have to choose one (style) or the other because I have the privilege to be both. It's given me more confidence… by leading my life with more love and trust in myself.”

— Victor Ung

I had a recurring blockage connecting with family. After the much needed reflective questions… I have the tools to see the blockage through my different lenses, understand it, and sit still with it. The family dynamics module really helped me to see and feel confident that I too can break this blockage in the now and be ready to combat it again in the future.

— R/Lisa Zenno

More testimonials here and here.


“Jane is a wonderful coach, extremely perceptive and has a lot to offer in terms of her analysis, her acceptance and the takeaways that she leaves me with in each session. She is a good balance of being sharp cognitively and emotionally supportive. I am glad I found her.”

Latha Iyer

“What I particularly valued about Jane's coaching were her abilities to hold a loving and trusting space in which I could be myself; to ask powerful questions which get to the heart of the issue; and to be comfortable with my difficult emotions thereby creating a safe space where I could truly feel what is going on within me -- that was very powerful. Also, her suggestions for resources I can use on my journey i.e. books, videos, processes, I found very useful.”

Taaka Awori

“Jane is a lot of fun.  She is a caring, intuitive, intelligent coach.  She has a fresh, high-energy approach, yet she also is diligent in sticking to a good coaching structure, making sure I am getting what I need from our coaching.”

Aurora Aritao

“Jane’s coaching resulted in a significant shift in my relationship to my fear of the business aspect of coaching. I am much more aware now of what I have to offer and what differentiates me. Jane was excellent at keeping to coaching and not giving advice/answers—what I received instead was an internal shift and the ability to come up with my own direction, along with newfound confidence that I can accomplish the business side.  This was invaluable in my personal journey of discovery.”

Sheri Thiel